Vigil Homily By The Rev. Marcia McRae
John’s Episcopal Church, Bainbridge, GA, 26 March 2016
Year C:
1:1-2:4a [The Story of Creation]; Exodus 14:10-31; 15:20-21 [Israel's
deliverance at the Red Sea]; Ezekiel 36:24-28 [A new heart and a new
spirit]; Romans
6:3-11; Luke 24:1-12
women come to the tomb prepared to work,
to tend the dead.
They don't
expect to encounter angels, to encounter life,
a new reality.
women expect one harsh reality. They encounter Good News & go to
share it. Why do the disciples react as they do? Why do they not
trust what the women say?
the disciples' reluctance has deeper roots,
Joseph Brown, interim
president & academic dean of Payne Theological Seminary in Dayton,
OH, says in his commentary on today's Gospel & he quotes St
Augustine.1 Notice
these words from St. Augustine centuries ago:
fall of humankind came through a woman, so now the restoration is
first proclaimed by women. News of Jesus’ resurrection seems like
nonsense in light of the horror of his death by crucifixion…The
women reported this to men...These things seemed in their eyes like
an idle tale...When Eve related what the serpent had said, she was
listened to...A lying woman was believed, & so we all died. But
[the disciples] didn’t believe women telling the truth so that we
might live. If women are not to be trusted, why did Adam trust Eve?
If women are to be trusted, why did the disciples not trust the holy
Augustine asks us challenging questions. Trusting
people sometimes takes practice. It takes practice to trust when we
encounter the unexpected.
Practice. Practice.
How many times have you
heard that in your life?
practice, we can build self confidence to enter more fully into our
work. This doesn't mean we won't make a mistake, as
I know from my many mistakes.
week in worship we practice our faith together. We hear scriptures
again & again, like a coach's drill practice or like our fingers
repeating musical scales to make them part of who we are. Look how
far we've come through tonight's practice session:
have journeyed from the Garden of Eden to the escape at the Red Sea,
to the promise of a new heart, a new spirit God will give us to
replace our heart of stone with a heart of flesh. As Easter people we
know this happens because the loving heart of flesh that beats within
Jesus stops beating on the hard wood of the cross.
loves us & God redeems us through Jesus' death. Death is
not the final word. We proclaim this when we gather in community to
celebrate Holy Eucharist. In Holy Eucharist we gain spiritual
strength to walk in newness of life that we know by being baptized
into Jesus' death, as
Paul reminds the Romans & us.
do we walk in new life?
How long does it take us to live into a new
see how haltingly, how confused Jesus' followers walk into this new
reality. When we see a totally different result than what we have
expected, we may have no words to express our befuddled thoughts.
When we do have words, the other person may not accept what we say,
as we
see in our Gospel.
Brothers & Sisters redeemed by the blood of Jesus, you are
embraced by the Love of God.
Guided by the power of the Holy Spirit,
return God's embrace.
Embrace the truth that you are profoundly
Embrace others in the truth:
God loves you. No exceptions. All
are welcome.
Embrace the fact that you – we – are part of God's
in this happening community where
we live God's Love.
Michael Joseph. “Commentary
on Luke 24:1-12.”
Accessed: 26 March 2016.
The Rev. Deon. “Practice
Resurrection, Easter (C) – 2016”. Accessed: 26 March 2016.
Tim. Dust
Bunnies in the Basket: Finding God in Lent & Easter.
USA: Forward Movement. 2015. www.forwardmovement.org
Michael Joseph. “Commentary
on Luke 24:1-12.”
Accessed: 26 March 2016.
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